
ESE / ESC blog

V okviru programa Evropska solidarnostna enota / European solidarity corps delujemo kot voditeljska, gostujoča in pošiljajoča organizacija. Trenutno v Mariboru gostimo dve prostovoljski in enega prostovoljca iz Turčije, Bosne in Hrvaške. Vabljene_i k spremljanju njihovih vtisov prostovoljstva v tujini.

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Marec 2024

March Moments in Maribor by Güneş

Message for future ESC volunteers and those who feel that way by Jaca

Zelo nice march by Zvone

Februar 2024

Sunny forecast by Zvone

February Chronicles: Volunteering, and Spreading Joy by Güneş

Messages for future esc volunteers and those who feel that way by Jaca

Januar 2024

Message for future ESC volunteers and those who feel that way by Jaca

First month of 2024 in Slovenia by Zvone

Chronicle of a snowy January by Güneş


A Month of Volunteering, Learning, and Architectural Delights by Güneş

Message for future ESC volunteers and those who feel that way by Jaca

Last month of 2023 in Maribor by Zvone


Another month passed by Zvone

Another Eventful Month in Maribor by Güneş

Message for future ESC volunteers and those who feel that way by Jaca


Message for future ESC volunteers and those who feel that way by Jaca

The second month by Zvone

A Month of Volunteering, Learning, and Architectural Delights by Güneş

September 2023

Volunteering adventures in Maribor: A September recap by Güneş

Messages for future ESC volunteers and those who feel that way by Jaca

Sunny times in Maribor by Zvone


January marked the end of our ESC project. The time to hug goodbye eventually came, but not before we attended new exhibitions, enjoyed the snow and the woods, visited Zagreb, and drank a few more Staropramen in Living Room.


December started with an office party where we celebrated Noemie’s birthday. The office was decorated in pink glittery ornaments to match the birthday girl’s dress. There was some choreographed dancing, karaoke singing, balloon popping and even the mysterious disappearance of a hacky sack.

November 2022 IN MARIBOR (AND ITALY)

Another month has passed, leaving us just two more months to spend in Slovenia. November has been great.


Trick or treat? Here comes the spooky season. Even though it's still 20°, it's fall season and with it come walks in the forest, orange sunsets and cozy weekends.

September 2022 IN MARIBOR (AND AROUND)

September was very eventful, enjoyable and it went insanely fast. So, I am writing this blog in order to remember the eventful September.


Holidays for me meant a return to my homeland, where my pets, my friends, and my family always await me. And so it was for Lazar and Noemie, who also returned to their countries for joining exciting weddings and parties and to reunite with their cute & lovely cats.


Hot summer nights mid-July when you and I were forever wild. As Lana Del Rey said, July was hot so we spent our time traveling around Slovenia and Croatia...

June 2022 (and months before) IN MARIBOR (AND AROUND)

How to ESC(ape) in Maribor: Alternative Culture, Spaces and Experiences. As people are not perfectly objective species (or objective at all), we see spaces with different lenses and experience them subjectively. Thus, the following text is a view of one person who will try to summarize his personal experience of the first three months in Slovenia.


The best things in life are friends, nature, art and beer, and May in Maribor offers all of these and so much more. Bring it on, June!


Here our first month in Maribor as ESC volunteers at Pekarna Magdalenske Mreže. An on-arrival training by the sea, exhibitions, concerts, nights out, workshops and many other events formed the pattern of April 2022.


november 2022 (and months before) in Italy

Ura je 6:30 ko odprem zunanje zaklopke na oknih, da posije sonce in segreje notranjost hiše, v kateri bivam od februarja. Včasih se ne zavedam, kako hitro mineva čas, a pridejo trenutki kot je ta, ko se zavem, da se bliža zima, kar pa posledično pomeni tudi začetek konca mojega projekta.

may 2022 (and months before) in Germany

Erasmus+ izkušnja je za vsakogar drugačna. Nekatere skrbi vključevanje v novo kulturo, druge skrbi predvsem jezik, tretje_i se bojijo prvič v življenju zapustiti varno zavetje doma. Jasno, vsak_a od nas vstopa na to popotovanje z drugačnimi izkušnjami. Kot prekaljena prostovoljka (vsaj v moji glavi 😀 ) sem se pred odhodom pripravila na mnoge izzive, ki me lahko čakajo v letu, ki je bilo pred mano. Poskusila sem predvideti morebitne težave, ki me bodo doletele, hkrati pa sem se zavedala, da bom zagotovo naletela na take, ki jih ne morem predvidevati.

april 2022 (and months before) IN ITALY

Vedno sem imela željo iti v tujino, še posebno v Italijo. Sicer sem imela Italijo kot možnost za študentsko izmenjavo, a sem vedela da to ni to, in sem takrat raje izbrala Nemčijo...

novembmer 2021 (and months before) IN TURKEY

Zgodba mojega prostovoljstva se je začela v Infopeki, prav tako tudi zgodba mojega mednarodnega prostovoljstva. Tekom mojega dela so v Mariboru gostovali prostovoljci iz različnih evropskih držav in že takrat, kar nekaj let nazaj, mi je ideja postala zelo všeč.

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