For this month, I would like to say more about my mid term training that we had in Čatež. At the start, I was glad to see a smaller group of people than our arrival training had. The best thing is that some of the people we already knew from our on arrival training and became friends with, which made this experience so much better. We were able to choose the topics that we wanted to discuss, which was really good because we had more constructive debates on things that relate to our projects and programs. On the other side, we also met new people, some of which were from the Balkans. All in all, it was a nice experience. I really liked the time we had with clay, it was really cool to come back on getting dirty and model something out of your head. I also liked our talk we had regarding politics and election; it gave me interesting opinions from people all around europe that had different perspectives regarding their local political habits and views.
All in all, that was good, but the thing that was ZELO good was the jacuzzi that we had access to. I can not stress enough how much relaxing time I had; that one thing alone stole the show for me. We were situated in the hotel that was not part of Terme Čatež, even though we had access to terme as well, the hotel had their own pool area that was restricted from the public and was only for hotel guests. Nevertheless, that area was always empty so we had the best chill time for ourselves. I finally felt relaxed and peaceful. Avoiding life went really well that week. 10/10, five stars to Terme Čatež.