ESC blog
The second month passed really fast in Maribor. At the beginning of the month, we went on hiking to Pohorje with our mentor Klemen. It was a sunny day and all of us had a good time. Learning the local trails felt amazing for me and I hope that I can go hiking again in better weather.
We also met Pekarna’s new resident artist Asja. In my opinion, she has an interesting approach towards art. I found it really interesting that she makes stickers and gifs in her artistic approach. We also had interest safari where we learned more about the topic of street advertising and europlakat. I am excited to see the result of her work and the exhibition opening.
As time goes by, we are more involved with the activist approach to our work. As a sign of protest about the Rog center situation, we made an anti gentrification banner in front of Pekarna. On the other side, we got the task to present an ESC program to high school students and also talk about our experience and motivation to apply to travel abroad at University of Maribor and in ŠTUK.
The most exciting part of this period has to be upcoming projects that the organization is planning. We are well included in projects and pushed to make our own part of it. At the beginning, I found most of the goals challenging, but I quickly learned how to work in a team to find creative solutions.
On the other hand, I managed to find a few days to visit my family back in Osijek. It was nice and refreshing to be back home, but I realized that I never missed home that much because I had a great time here in Maribor. I am thankful for all the new friends that I met here.