vsak drugi četrtek / every second thursday PEACH TEA FILM CLUB V filmskem klubu Peach tea želimo vzpostaviti prijetno vzdušje, ki bo spodbujalo plodne razprave in medsebojno deljenje izkušenj, ki presegajo vsakodnevno rutino doma, službe ali šole. Mladi odrasli se zavedajo, da je za to generacijo zelo pomembno imeti »tretji prostor« – varno in prijetno […]
SobaZaGosteMaribor »Hiša:med otokom in arhivom«
vsak delavnik do 26. 1. 2023 • 13.00 - 18.00 • OBRAT
Veganska večerjica: Hrana, ne orožje: solidarno s Palestino!
25. 1. 2023 • 19.30 • Pekarna Magdalenske mreže
December Chronicles; Volunteering, and Spreading Joy
ESE blog December Chronicles; Volunteering, and Spreading Joy I'd share what's been going on this December. I spent the afternoon at Slovene class, learning the language and having a good time. And we had the last class this month. Visited a high school dorm to talk about the European Solidarity Corps (ESC). We were presenting […]
Last month of 2023 in Maribor
ESE blog Last month of 2023 in Maribor Hi everyone. Happy new year! This time we had a few things on our hands that were fun to do. We had a presentation again about our ESC program and experience in student dorms. I liked the treasure hunt workshop that we made with PUM students. I […]
Message for future ESC volunteers and those who feel that way
ESE blog Message for future ESC volunteers and those who feel that way The month of December is a month full of various events and I could tell you about everything, but I will talk about a visit to a small town near Maribor and that city is Ptuj! The oldest town in Slovenia, nestled […]
Pekarna Dobiš daš, kakovostno preživljanje prostega časa z otroci in mladimi
torek, sreda • Dom Antona Skale, Mladinski dom, Pekarna Magdalenske mreže