vsak drugi četrtek / every second thursday


V filmskem klubu Peach tea želimo vzpostaviti prijetno vzdušje, ki bo spodbujalo plodne razprave in medsebojno deljenje izkušenj, ki presegajo vsakodnevno rutino doma, službe ali šole. Mladi odrasli se zavedajo, da je za to generacijo zelo pomembno imeti »tretji prostor« - varno in prijetno zatočišče za filmske navdušenke_ce, kjer lahko sodelujejo v pogovorih in v njih delijo različne poglede o filmu in razmisleke, ki se ob gledanju porodijo.

Pridi in deli svoja opažanja in mnenja, skupaj odkrivajmo nove razsežnosti v svetu filma. Ustvarimo skupnost, kjer ljubezen do filma spodbuja povezovanje in bogati naše kolektivne izkušnje. Srečevale_i se bomo vsakih 14 dni, filme za ogled in razpravo pa bomo določale_i skupaj.

1. srečanje / 15. 2. 2024 ob 18.00

Marcel the shell with shoes on (2021)

2. srečanje / 29. 2. 2024 ob 18.00

But I'm a Cheerleader (1999)

3. srečanje / 14. 3. 2024 ob 18.00

The Royal Tenenbaums (2001)

4. srečanje / 4. 4. 2024 ob 18.00

Triangle of Sadness (2022)

5. srečanje / 17. 4. 2024 ob 18.00

Eternal Sunshine of Spotless Mind (2004)

6. srečanje / 16. 5. 2024 ob 18.00

Little Women (2019)

At the Peach Tea Film Club, we aim to establish a vibrant and joyful atmosphere, providing meaningful discussions and shared experiences that extend beyond the daily routines of home, school, or work. As young adults, we recognize the importance of having a 'Third Space' for our generation – a safe and enjoyable haven for film enthusiasts to engage in thoughtful discussions and share diverse perspectives.

Come and share your insights, opinions, and discover new dimensions in the world of cinema. Let's create a community where the love for film fosters connections and enriches our collective experiences. We schedule our meetings every two weeks. The discussion will take place in English.

Follow facebook event for detales about the selected films written in english.

Projekt izvaja ESE prostovoljka in je financiran s strani Evropske komisije. / The project is implemented by an ESE volunteer and funded by the European Commission.

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+386 2 300 68 50
+386 41 481 246

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