ESE blog
I celebrated New Year in Serbia and stayed there a few days after Christmas. A lot of food, a lot of friends, and a lot of free time. Everything is fine.
After those few fairytale days I came back to Maribor and into reality.
When we came back in Maribor PMM told us we need to prepare an exhibition in OBRAT- space for art and participation on the topic of the suffering of Palestinians in the warzone area.
Petar and I had to renovate space for the exhibition, select what posters and photos to display, write description about the exhibition and make promotional material. A lot of work, but we are a pretty effective duo, and with a little help from others from PMM we managed to prepare the exhibition opening.
I would say the opening went pretty well because we had more than average people attending on opening night.
January started very optimistic in an artistic way because during those 30 days, i made 4 murals in Serbia and Slovenia combined, 2 in each country and if a good beginning makes a good ending this is gonna be a very productive year.