ESE blog

A trip to the homeland.

Winter hit hard this month and shook my warm Herzegovinian blood which isn't very familiar with colder climates.

In the beginning of this month we had our new residents exhibition in OBRAT- space for art and participation. The new resident was Jelisaveta Rapaić who is artist and curator currently oding her phd in Bratislava. Preparation required a lot of patience which was really hard to cultivate.

The weekend after the presentation I went to Kutina, a small town in Croatia in the middle of nowhere in a region called Moslavina. My reason for going there was because a couple of my friends had a concert in a local pub in Kutina called ‘’Pig’s bar’’. The bands play hardcore punk and Crust punk. It was an absolute bats#it crazy experience.

After that expedition, I returned to Maribor where I had some minor work.

We had a group dinner in our offices where Veljko and I made some krompirača. It turned out better than we anticipated

After a week or so I returned home to Mostar for the winter holidays to see my friends and my family and celebrate the new year there.

Overall it was bad and great in some aspects. In terms with my family I was very happy and thrilled to have seen them and spend some time together. As for the situation with my friends back there, I doubt I have more than five people back there who I can call a friend anymore, which was really saddening for me. The overall situation there is not very great in terms of the youth or people my age. Most gave themselves away to drug use, hooliganism and complete nihilism.

There are only a handful of people who have themselves figured out. Other sane people I know mostly left and have no intention of coming back and those people happen to be my closest friends.

After visiting my home place I was reminded of my reasons for leaving in the first place as now the only people I am able to find there are human shells devoid of all purpose and loathing in their self cultivated misery encaged by their eco-chamber of shortsighted worldviews.

PetarPetar IličićIličić
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