Finally colder days. One sweater, second sweater, jacket, beanie and you are ready to go out.
Despite cold winds and temperatures below 0°C during December, I had multiple visits from my friends from Serbia. One group came just at the time of the exhibition opening in OBRAT- space for art and participation. On that Friday night we visited 3 different exhibitions around Maribor. Besides that, I have also visited Graz in Austria.
I will remember December as the month when Miki the cat came to my apartment. My flatmate Anamarija adopted him from the internet and now he is fourth member of the Hibšer family.
Now when I think about it nothing else important happened in December, maybe it is because of the Christmas holidays. A lot of people left Slovenia so I also did it. Right before New Year’s Eve, I went to Serbia to celebrate New Year with my friends.