ESC blog

1 month, 3 countries

November was a pretty interesting month because during those 30 days I traveled in Serbia, Croatia and Slovenia’s capital Ljubljana.

1st week of November I had the wedding in Serbia, so I took a few days off from volunteering and went to my hometown. It was really difficult to come because I didn't have a direct line so I had to go to Zagreb, then Belgrade and finally my hometown Kraljevo. In the end it was really worth it, the wedding was nice and I had the opportunity to see my friends that I haven't seen in a really long time. I also spent some quality time with my family.

After that I came to Maribor again where I visited an exhibition about Jesus statues in Slovenia held by Andrej Firm and Simon Žlahtič. The day after we had to prepare an exhibition for an Art resident in OBRAT - space for art and participation and it took us 3 days to prepare it. On Friday we had the opening of the exhibition and that Friday was pretty cool because on the same day we visited 3 different exhibitions in the city.

Next day we visited our volunteer friends in Ljubljana for a weekend trip. One of those volunteers let us sleep in his house. God bless Markus. One of the most interesting things I saw during that trip was the castle at the top of the city. During that period we were really lucky because it was sunny and warm and as soon as we came back to Maribor it started to snow.

Few days after my trip to Maribor my friends invited me to a 5 day course about videography in Zagreb. Even though I didn't sign up in time they still managed to find an extra spot for me to participate in that course. That course was interesting because i met a lot of new people and at that time Zagreb had their Christmas advent opening so it was so cool to be part of something like that. During that time I visited a few museums and the one that was the most interesting was the Natural museum. 3 floors of pure enjoyment.

VeljkoVeljko PetrovićPetrović
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