In tak to stari v Čatežu, ne?
ESE blog A trip to the homeland. Winter hit hard this month and shook my warm Herzegovinian blood which isn't very familiar with colder climates. In the beginning of this month we had our new residents exhibition in OBRAT- space for art and participation. The new resident was Jelisaveta Rapaić who is artist and curator […]
Miki has come
ESE blog Miki has come Finally colder days. One sweater, second sweater, jacket, beanie and you are ready to go out. Despite cold winds and temperatures below 0°C during December, I had multiple visits from my friends from Serbia. One group came just at the time of the exhibition opening in OBRAT- space for art […]
Usposabljanje za mentorje_ice »Reševanje konfliktnih situacij v prostovoljstvu«
18. 3. 2025 • 9.00 • Pekarna Magdalenske mreže